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Planned Features

Last updated: 14th April 2023

🚀 Welcome to the Planned Features section of QuickGraph's documentation site. In our commitment to transparency and continuous improvement, we want to keep you informed about the future direction of the QuickGraph application. This section presents our product roadmap, outlining the features and improvements we have planned for upcoming releases.

Our roadmap is a living document, shaped by user feedback, industry trends, and our vision for the application. By sharing our plans with you, we aim to keep you engaged and excited about the future of our software. Please note that while we strive to deliver these features as planned, the actual timeline and implementation details may change based on various factors such as development priorities, resource constraints, and feedback from our users.

We encourage you to explore the upcoming features and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us prioritize features and ensure that our application continues to meet your needs and expectations. Together, let's shape the future of our software and unlock new possibilities for success. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to let us know.

Support Visualisation of Preannotated Dataset Items in the Dataset Management View (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Allow Rearrangement and Deletion of Items in Ontology Resources (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Reinstate Relation Propagation (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Add Automatic Gold Standard Corpus Construction in Downloads (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Add Relation Insights to Annotation Secondary Sidebar (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Add Ontology Resource Item Rearrangement (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Add Permanent Account Removal (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Improve Entity Hierarchy Keyboard Shortcut Bindings (Target Release: April, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Reinstate Entity and Relation Constraints (Target Release: June, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Support Task Modification for Existing Projects (Target Release: August, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Lexical Normalisation (Target Release: August, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Open Relation Annotation (Target Release: September, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Dialogue and Meaning Representation Annotation (Target Release: September, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Machine Learning Pipelines (Target Release: December, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

Resource Versioning (Target Release: December, 2023)​

Please be patient as we put together the details of this feature.

External Linguistic and Knowledge Base Plugins (Target Release: December, 2023)​


This feature will introduce external linguistic and knowledge base plugins into the project annotation view to support disambiguation of entities and relations. The benefit of this feature is to improve annotation consistency by leveraging external resources such as PropBank, VerbNet, DBPedia and ConceptNet.

Key Functionality​

Functionality: Provide optional plugins to enrich the annotation view for contextual support and assistance.

Use Cases​

Use Case 1: For users annotating with PropBank relations, this feature will support identifying the frame arguments in text to improve consistency and avoid back-and-forth referencing.

Feedback and Suggestions​

We value your input and welcome your feedback on our planned features. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve this feature, please feel free to reach out. Your insights will help us refine our roadmap and deliver the best possible experience to all users.