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The Resource Editor is used to specify the contents of the desired resource. Resources can be uploaded by clicking the Upload button or pasted directly into the editor. Depending on the resource type, the editor will expect a certain format (see the table below).

Resource TypeAccepted FormatsExample Input Format
Entity OntologyJSONConcepts - Resources: Entity Ontology
Relation OntologyJSONConcepts - Resources: Relation Ontology
Entity PreannotationsJSON, CSV*Concepts - Resources: Entity Preannotations
Relation PreannotationsJSON, CSV*Concepts - Resources: Relation Preannotations
Entity ConstraintsJSONConcepts - Resources: Entity Constraints
Relation ConstraintsJSONConcepts - Resources: Relation Constraints

*CSV format for preannotations is currently under development.

The Editor has the following quality of life features - prettify function which formats JSON content to an easily readable format, and statistics which provide an overview of the contents such as size and depth.


The editor is accompanied by a validator which checks the consistency of the resource contents. For all resources, it ensures that the JSON format is correct. For some resources, such as preannotations and constraints, it will check that the any labels are consistent with the seleced pre-existing ontology resources specified in the details section.