📄️ Overview
The overview page (Figure 1) of the project dashboard provides a comprehensive snapshot of your project's status and progress. It includes high-level metrics and visualisations that offer insights into various aspects of the annotation process, making it an essential tool for monitoring your project's performance.
📄️ Guidelines
QuickGraph provides a dynamic Annotation Guidelines (Figure 1) feature designed to enhance collaboration among annotators. This feature enables annotators to share insights, document challenging examples, and outline the annotation procedures they employ within their dataset. The guidelines are readily accessible to all annotators via the project annotation view. As it stands, the project manager is responsible for overseeing the completion, updates, and additions to the guidelines, ensuring a smooth and efficient annotation process.
📄️ Knowledge Graph
Knowledge graphs are only available for entity and relation annotation projects.
📄️ Annotators
This page is currently only visible for project managers in the application.
📄️ Adjudication
The Adjudication component is a crucial part of the annotation tool. It plays a significant role in facilitating agreement among annotators, ultimately leading to a high-quality, consensus-driven annotated dataset.
📄️ Downloads
The Downloads tab provides a seamless gateway to access annotations contributed by project annotators. It offers a straightforward snapshot of the entities and triples formed, allowing you to easily manage and assess the project's progress. Annotations can be efficiently filtered based on their save states and quality.
📄️ Dataset
📄️ Resources
This page is currently only visible for project managers.
📄️ Project Settings
The Project Settings page (Figure 1), accessible only to project managers, serves as a hub for adjusting project-specific parameters. Here, you can perform the following tasks: